Thursday, 28 April 2011

Groundhog Day

Russell had been kneading the plasticine for about five minutes, and now it was good and malleable. He took a bite of his pumpernickel and butter, a sip of coffee, and started to make the model of the groundhog he had promised his daughter. The next day was going to be Groundhog Day, and she wanted to recreate it in the back garden. It should be more interesting than their normal weekends, which usually involved watching TV and going to McDonalds. Thankfully, they wouldn’t have the social worker with them as a constant irritancy. He’d got that far at least.

What the Hell am I Doing?

What the Hell am I doing? The changing bag is sitting there, ready with nappies, wet wipes, clean clothes and bottles. I have a wonderful wife, and a new child. And a girlfriend. A young, nubile, keen and addictive girlfriend, whom I can’t seem to give up. What kind of a father am I? How will I be able to look Sam in the eye in a few years time, knowing that I was cheating on his mother, while she was carrying him? I can’t even mention it at confession. What is the punishment for adultery? I hate to think.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Red Letter Day

For the one hundred and forty seventh day in a row, she wrote in her diary, in red, “Saw him again today. Again, he didn’t notice me.” She had decided to write in red until he spoke to her. The redness of her diary was now overwhelming. The staff in the cafĂ© were getting increasingly impatient. One cup of milky coffee; two hours of sitting, waiting, dreaming of what life would be like with someone to share it with. The irony of her choice of ink colour had never dawned on her. Would she ever get her Red Letter Day?

Not Much On

This is my third attempt at creating a blog. I wonder if this one will last, or indeed if anyone will read it.

My previous attempts have been to do with being a Grumpy Old Man, and ranting about stuff in the news that is just wrong. I may continue to do that here, but the main purpose is to shamelessly plug my writing.

I have a book, which at the moment is called Have a Nice Weekend. I may change that. It may be called Not Much On. As that is the title of this blog, it would make sense. Have a Nice Weekend was already taken.

One thing I will be posting here is my 100 word short stories. I find these really fun to write, and the more I do it, the better I feel I am becoming.

I hope you agree.