Tuesday, 24 May 2011

I must do what I think is right

I have been in a quandry lately about my book. People who have read the first chapter tell me it's too depressing. Others who have read some from the middle have given glowing praise.

So, I asked them if I should start with another chapter. The book jumps around in time, so it's quite easy to rearrange. Then, this morning I got a comment saying that I should keep the first chapter where it is. It works.

So I think I should go with my first instincts and keep Chapter One as Chapter One.

You can't please everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've bookmarked your book in Authonomy. I'll read at some point of time. Rightly, said you can't please everyone. First of all, i don't know why you did try the thing. Thanks.
