I logged on this morning, not to post anything, but to follow someone else's blog. While here, I thought I would see the last time I had posted anything - over a month ago.
I am ashamed. I have written plenty of stories, and whilst some of these have been posted in the weekly Flash competition on Authonomy, that is no excuse. I should have put them here.
Part of the problem has been that I am waiting for my book to be published. It should be any day now. I have had the cover to approve, the blurb has been written, and I believe it is all formatted. I'm just waiting for the email to say it is live. Will it be today? I don't know, I'm not sure if Tim will be working today. I guess he does have a life of his own, and it is Sunday after all.
But needless to say, I'll be back on here when it is available. It's all down to publicity now. And to getting the sequel finished.
Ian, congratulation, just downloaded your book. Ah, the cover is beautiful. Will read silently though. Lol. Good luck for the book.