From the author of Have a Nice Weekend, some short stories, rants and ramblings about writing, life and probably food. I like food.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Sample Sunday
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Speak Without Interruption
I have to confess I cheated with some posts - they are just some of my flash fiction that I have put up here and on Autho, but as I have a new audience there, I figured I could get away with it.
I also decided to post about America's view of itself as the Greatest Nation on Earth on 9/11. I don't think that was my best decision.
If anyone is interested in reading some of the other things I have said, the link is here.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Don't have a Kindle?
On Wednesday 31st August 2011 I held in my hand a paperback copy of my book, Have a Nice Weekend.
After two years of writing, re-writing, editing, tweaking and fretting, I could touch it, smell it, sit down in a chair and read it. It is now sitting on a bookshelf, my name proudly displayed on the spine for all to see. Well, for me to look at each time I walk past, anyway. I can't guarantee that the rest of the family even remember it's there. Not that they are not proud of me, but they have things to think about.
Now of course, as you would expect, everyone I know says they want to buy a copy, where can they get one? Unfortunately, at the moment it is only available on, and to get it shipped to here in the UK the delivery costs are rather high. Don't worry, they say, let me know when it's available over here. That's OK, I reply, you can get it on Kindle, it's only £2. But I don't have a Kindle, is the standard reply.
Now, at this point, those of you who are writers can probably stop reading; you are going to know about what I am going to say. The rest of you, please read on.
You do not have to have a Kindle to buy books from the Kindle Store. All you need is a Kindle reader. This is free, and can be downloaded onto your laptop, PC, iPhone, Android, iPad and Mac. It's simple to install - even I managed it without any problems. I now have one on my laptop and one on my HTC phone. And the beauty of it is that they synchronise, so I can read at lunchtime on my phone, then in the evening I can go back to the same place in the book on my laptop. It's really easy.
Now I know for many people they would still rather have the book in their hands. I agree. Reading a book on a screen just cannot compare to reading it from a printed page. But I am slowly coming round to the idea that eBooks might just be the future. I would love still to be buying records, but I am sitting here with my earphones in, listening to Miles Davis on my MP3 player. I have now owned Kind of Blue on vinyl, CD and download.
Which brings me to my point. I really want people to read my book. Not just friends and family, but the wider public, people I will never meet. In order to achieve that goal, one thing I need to do is get more sales, as these will raise my ranking on Amazon and give the book a higher profile. Which is where my friends and family can help. And anyone else who is reading this and would like to read my book. All are welcome.
All you need to do is spend a couple of minutes downloading a FREE Kindle reader to whichever device you choose, and then £2.09 or $3.99 for the book. You could then browse the thousands of free and cheap Kindle books that are available, including many of the classics.
Then, when it is available over here in paperback, you could buy another copy. It's like a music formats in reverse. There is nothing wrong with owning it twice. You don't even have to read the Kindle version, you could just leave it sat on your PC and forget about it until the paperback is is out. It's up to you.
But I would really like it if some of you read it.
I have just read through this post, and am wondering if it sounds a little pleading. It's not meant to be. If I can just get a couple of people to spend a couple of quid, then I shall be happy.
And I will of course let you all know when the paperback is out.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Sample Sunday
Three Months Later
Monday, 22 August 2011
Sunday, 21 August 2011
In the Beginning
I don't understand
Anyway, I am back now, and ready to check how my new book is selling.
It isn't.
Well, according to one particular website that tracks the sales made on Amazon, it isn't. Despite people telling me they have downloaded it, or bought the paperback, the stats are saying I have sold four books in the whole time it's been up and running.
I don't understand.
I know it's also available on, but my friends and family have all said they have gone to Amazon.
Now, I appreciate the sales figures may not be accurate, but the ranking is: 57,002 as I type this. I understand it is going to take time and effort to get this ranking moving in the right direction, so now I have to start thinking of different ways of getting it out there.
So, that's my holiday over.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Finally Published
Have a Nice Weekend
Ian Ellis
Either of these should find it if you search. If you want it in paperback, then go to
I'll be away for a week after today, so feel free to buy as many as you like while I'm off.
When I get back, I'll be working on the sequel, and posting more short stories. Thank you for your patience.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
I have been neglecting my blog
I am ashamed. I have written plenty of stories, and whilst some of these have been posted in the weekly Flash competition on Authonomy, that is no excuse. I should have put them here.
Part of the problem has been that I am waiting for my book to be published. It should be any day now. I have had the cover to approve, the blurb has been written, and I believe it is all formatted. I'm just waiting for the email to say it is live. Will it be today? I don't know, I'm not sure if Tim will be working today. I guess he does have a life of his own, and it is Sunday after all.
But needless to say, I'll be back on here when it is available. It's all down to publicity now. And to getting the sequel finished.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
This is ridiculous!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Struggling with a story
A few weeks ago one of my colleagues gave me three words that I have been struggling with ever since. I have now come up with something, but I'm not sure if I'm happy with it.
So I have put it here for others to see:
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Thanks, Dad
God was feeling content. The ambrosia had been particularly fine today, and with his belt loosened, an afternoon nap was just what the doctor ordered.
He’d already sent the angels away, and had settled in to his armchair, with his feet up and a blanket over his lap. His eyelids were heavy, and his brain was in that half way point between consciousness and sleep.
He was in the Garden of Eden, in the days when Adam and Eve were still walking around naked, and he could happily chat to them and come and go as he pleased, before that damned serpent went and ruined everything. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the trees, birds were singing and the rivers were flowing with pure, crystal clear water.
It was his happy place, somewhere to go to when he was feeling down. Not that he was down at the moment. It was just his subconscious taking over as he drifted off into quiet slumber. The peace and quiet of the room was soon replaced by the sound of a gentle snore.
“Hi, Dad.”
He jolted awake, bleary eyed and not quite sure where he was. It didn’t take long for him to focus on his son, standing in the doorway looking a little embarrassed and rather dishevelled. There was dried blood all over his hands and feet, and a nasty looking gash in his side.
“Jesus, what are you doing here? You’re not due back for a few years yet. You look dreadful. What on Earth happened?”
“Did you not get my messages? What’s the point of praying, if you aren’t going to listen?”
“Sorry. I’ve been a bit distracted lately, what with Gabriel being all upset about the incident with the sixteen year old girl. Mary, that’s her name.”
“You mean Mum? The one you knocked up, and then left on her own to face her father, her fiancĂ©, and the rest of the community? What in God's name were you thinking?”
“Yes, well, a bit of a cock up there, to be honest. I got a bit carried away, and then didn’t know what to do. Dear old Gabriel said he’d sort it for me, but then he went all emotional, and refused to come out of his bedroom. I’ve been trying to get him to talk to me for the past thirty years. Maybe you could have a word with him.”
“Sorry, Dad. That’s your business. It’s bad enough that you abandoned me down there. I don’t see why I should have to sort out your problems for you. I think I’ve had enough to deal with, thank you very much.”
“Fair point. So, how was it?”
Jesus sat down in a chair next to God, to his right. “This feels nice. I could get used to sitting here.”
“Well, it is reserved for you. But not yet. You’re supposed to be down there saving Humanity.”
“Yes, well, I never really did understand that bit. I go down to Earth, tell everyone what a great guy you are, I die, and somehow they’re all saved. Doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“I’ll explain it someday, when we've got more time. In the meantime, tell me everything.” He clapped his hands, and an angel appeared in the doorway. “Ah, Julian. Can you get us a tray of ambrosia, and a jug of nectar? Thanks ever so much.”
Over drinks and nibbles, Jesus explained to his father what had happened in the thirty odd years he had been a human, walking and talking with people, convincing a few that he wasn’t mad, and thoroughly upsetting the majority who thought he was.
“And then it all came to a head when that backstabbing Judas kissed me on the cheek. There I was, minding my own business, doing a bit of praying, and the next thing I know, I’m being dragged through the mud, nailed to a cross, and poor Mum is crying her eyes out. And not one of my friends did anything to rescue me. The only chap who tried to help was Pilate, but his hands were tied. I don’t think he wanted the mob to start rioting. I can’t say I blame him, to be honest.”
God took a drink, and shifted nervously in his seat, while he thought of what to say. He’d been silent all the way through, but knew he should say something now.
“OK. This is not how it was meant to be. Yes, you were supposed to die, but it could just as easily have been through old age. I don’t think I ever specified the method. I can’t remember, to be honest.”
“What do you mean, you can’t remember? I’ve been stoned, spat at, denied and eventually crucified. And you can’t remember? Well, thanks very much, Dad.”
“OK. Let’s have a think about what we should do. I can understand the Romans not being happy, what with all their gods to worship and everything. But the Jews? They’re supposed to be on my side. I did this for them. I guess there’s no pleasing some people.”
“Some people? Just about all of them, I’d say.” Jesus took another piece of ambrosia. Death had given him an appetite. “Haven't got any wine, have you? I got quite a taste for it while I was away.”
God ignored the wine comment. “Right, it’s Saturday tomorrow. They’ll all be worshipping me, and won’t be very receptive to anything else. You go and shower, and put some clean clothes on. Let me sleep on it, and I’ll let you know in the morning what I’ve decided to do. Actually, you don’t fancy popping back down for a few weeks, do you? I think I’ve just come up with a solution.”
I must do what I think is right
So, I asked them if I should start with another chapter. The book jumps around in time, so it's quite easy to rearrange. Then, this morning I got a comment saying that I should keep the first chapter where it is. It works.
So I think I should go with my first instincts and keep Chapter One as Chapter One.
You can't please everyone.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
I have a follower!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
100 Word Stories
I really must get on with writing
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
It's my Birthday
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Groundhog Day
What the Hell am I Doing?
What the Hell am I doing? The changing bag is sitting there, ready with nappies, wet wipes, clean clothes and bottles. I have a wonderful wife, and a new child. And a girlfriend. A young, nubile, keen and addictive girlfriend, whom I can’t seem to give up. What kind of a father am I? How will I be able to look Sam in the eye in a few years time, knowing that I was cheating on his mother, while she was carrying him? I can’t even mention it at confession. What is the punishment for adultery? I hate to think.
Monday, 25 April 2011
Red Letter Day
For the one hundred and forty seventh day in a row, she wrote in her diary, in red, “Saw him again today. Again, he didn’t notice me.” She had decided to write in red until he spoke to her. The redness of her diary was now overwhelming. The staff in the cafĂ© were getting increasingly impatient. One cup of milky coffee; two hours of sitting, waiting, dreaming of what life would be like with someone to share it with. The irony of her choice of ink colour had never dawned on her. Would she ever get her Red Letter Day?